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Examinando COVID 19 por Materia "Ciencias de la Salud"
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Ítem Aproximaciones a un nuevo perfil feminicida: una mirada a los cambios y las transiciones(Universidad Católica de Trujillo Benedicto XVI, 2020-08-14) Marco, Barboza; Doreen, MontagDesde una perspectiva comprehensiva y contextualizada se realiza un abordaje inicial del confinamiento a raíz de la pandemia,y de sus implicancias en materia de violencia contra las mujeres, para luego describir las masculinidades en proceso de transformación, indicando que los maltratadores ocasionales e imprevisibles, los espacios citadinos, las masculinidades melodramáticas, la reputación masculina y la agencia feminicida en ascenso de las ex parejas, son rasgos prevalecientes de los actuales feminicidios, y por ello deberían ser considerados en la elaboración de un perfil feminicida.From a comprehensive and contextualized perspective, an initial approach to confinement as a result of the pandemic and its implications in terms of violence against women is carried out. This is followed by an description of masculinities in the process of transformation, indicating that the occasional and unpredictable abusers, city spaces, melodramatic masculinities, masculine reputation and the rising feminicidal agency of excouples are prevalent features of current feminicides, and therefore should be considered in the elaboration of a feminicidal profileÍtem Covid-19diseasewillcauseaglobalcatastropheintermsofmentalhealth:Ahypothesis(Universidad Católica de Trujillo Benedicto XVI, 2020) Delia, Izaguirre Torres; Raúl, SicheA situation, like the present one, associated with the spread of in-fectious disease, results in intense mental stress[1]. Studies confirmthat individuals who have experienced[2], or not[3], COVID-19emergencies have mental disorders such as stress, anxiety, and de-pression.Therearealsopsychologicaldisordersofoccupationalorigin,such as those found in members of medical teams working in contactwithinfectedpatients[4].Ingeneral,thepopulationconfinedtotheirhomes appears with new emotional disorders (irritability, insomnia,fear,confusion,anger,frustration,boredom),whichpreviouslydidnotsufferfromthem,butnowevenpersistafterthequarantineislifted[5].Furthermore, recent studies report that the virus not only affects therespiratorysystem,itcouldalsobeaffectingthenervoussystemofin-fected people[6], which could cause the appearance of new psycho-logicaldiseases.So, a question arises: Will COVID-19 have a strong impact on themental health of humanity? our hypothesis is that in the short andmedium term, the entire world population, infected and uninfected,rich and poor, professionals and non-professionals, regardless of race,religion, gender, or age, undeniably all will suffer from a mental dis-order associated with COVID-19. Thus, in the coming years, govern-ments will not only have to deal with economic problems but alsoperhapswithabiggerproblem,thementalhealthoftheirpopulation.Ítem Grandes religiones y nuevos movimientos religiosos ante la pandemia de covid-19(Universidad Católica de Trujillo Benedicto XVI, 2020-08-14) de León Azcárate, Juan LuisDesde el reconocimiento de que la dimensión religiosa/espiritual ayuda a la persona a dar sentido a su vida y a afrontar las situaciones de crisis, tal como parece refrendar una abundante literatura del campo de las ciencias de la salud, este artículo describe y analiza algunas de las respuestas más significativas dadas por las instituciones y líderes de las grandes religiones y de algunos nuevos movimientos religiosos ante la actual pandemia provocada por el COVID-19. Los diversos medios de comunicación y las páginas web oficiales han informado de cuál ha sido su respuesta. El repaso de estas fuentes y evidencias sugiere que, en líneas generales, los líderes e instituciones de las grandes tradiciones religiosas han seguido las recomendaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud y de las autoridades sanitarias, lo que ha facilitado que miles de millones de creyentes en todo el mundo tuvieran un comportamiento responsable ante la pandemia. Además, han propiciado campañas de solidaridad con los colectivos más vulnerables. Sin embargo, también debe reconocerse que, aunque minoritarias si se tiene en cuenta su número de seguidores, hay formas de religiosidad y espiritualidad que, especialmente al comienzo de la pandemia, ofrecieron pautas negativas de afrontamiento que favorecieron la propagación del virus.From the recognition that the religious/spiritual dimension helps the person to give meaning to their life and to face crisis situations, as seems to endorse an abundant literature in the field of health sciences, this article describes and analyzes some of the most significant responses given by the institutions and leaders of the great religions and by some new religious movements in the face of the current pandemic caused by COVID-19. The various media and official websites have reported what their response has been. A review of these sources and evidence suggests that, in general, the leaders and institutions of the great religious traditions have followed the recommendations of the World Health Organization and health authorities, which has made it easier for billions of believers all over the world behave responsibly in the face of the pandemic. In addition, they have promoted solidarity campaigns with the most vulnerable groups. However, it must also be recognized that, although they are minority when taking into account their number of followers, there are forms of religiosity and spirituality that, especially at the beginning of the pandemic, offered negative coping guidelines that favored the spread of the virus.